How it all began
My spiritual awakening started in 2009 when a friend lent me her book by Hernan Huarache.
A world opened up to me, I finaly found what I had been looking for so long: the way to liberation from suffering. I read all his books, watched all his videos and felt my vision of life began to change. I too wanted to connect to the spirit world, so one afternoon in 2010 I meditated on a tree trunk by a small river in the middle of nature, and that’s when it all started.
Born in Heeze, a small village in the Netherlands, I lived in Eindhoven for my study Higher Professional Nursing Education, and in Tilburg and Rotterdam for my university study Social and Cultural Sciences. In 1998 I moved to Rome (Italy), the city of my passion, where I actually already had been for years because of my university study and research.
There I have been guiding tourists since 2009 with great pleasure in and around the monuments of history and art of Rome.
My faith was tested in when a tough challenge blew away all the support points of my life, and was to have a very long aftermath. During this difficult time I learned about the healing power of love and forgiveness. My purpose and mission were revealed, and I could see how the divine had guided me through that very dark period and forged me into the person I am today: a person who can empathize with the suffering of others and know that they can heal with self-love and forgiveness.
Although I really love my work as a guide, I have since wanted to be able to tell my tourists more than the average historical and artistic stuff. It inspires me enormously to reveal the true original meaning of the sacred symbols, architecture and monuments, and thus to bring about a gentle awakening to the great questions of life.
My desire for deepening coincided with the spiritual courses and training I was doing, and so since 2016 I am doing spiritual tours and retreats in Rome (see in the menu).
In 2014 I was guided to Dolores Cannon‘s videos and realized that the next logical step of my Reiki and Crystalhealing sessions was to use hypnosis. It gave me access to someone’s soul and the ability to help achieve personal changes. I read almost all her books, took her courses (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Thechnique) and became a hypnosis practitioner.
In 2016, during my meditations, I received the gift of a Healing Voice, deep vibrating sounds of frequencies that bring spiritual healing.
Then I learned from the famous Alba Weinman her hypnosis technique of the Spiritual Journey of Forgiveness www.albaweinman.com. In 2020 I took additional training* to add more hypnosis techniques to my skills: Introspective Hypnosis (technique of Aurelio Mejìa) en Past Life Therapy (technique of Dr. José Luis Cabouli) by Antonio Sangio, Neo-Eriksonian Hypnosis by Mike Mandel and Soul Center Healing Hypnosis by Laura Whitworth and Shamanic Hypnosis Integration of Fragments Technique by Lorna Wilson.
During my hypnosis sessions you get access to your repressed emotions, stored in the subconscious, to be able to reach your divine higher self. You will receive answers to your questions and liberation of emotional suffering, thoughts and entities that negatively affect your life.
I have been part of the team of hypnotherapists in the award winning project of the United Nations Hypnotherapy to Alleviate Mental Health Issues and Depression in Youths, Nigeria 2020-2021. /aanvraag/
My Diplomas/Gifts:
- Radiestesia (Società Italiana di Radionica e Radiestesia 2024)
- Qi Gong (Mantak Chia 2023-2025)
- Shamanic Hypnosis Integration of Fragments Technique (Lorna Wilson 2023)
- Soul Center Healing Hypnosis (Laura Whitworth 2022)
- Sound Healing level 1 and 2 (Dr. John Beaulieu 2022)
- Past Life Therapy (Antonio Sangio 2021-2024)
- Crystal Connections (Jain 108 Academy 2021)
- Neo-Ericksonian Hypnosis (Mike Mandel, October 2020)
- Introspective Hypnosis (Antonio Sangio, June 2020)
- Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (Dolores Canon, 2018)
- Reiki Master (2017-2020)
- Healing Voice (Gift, since 2016)
- Crystal Healing level 1, 2, 3 (Rome 2016-2017)
- Holistic Massages (Oligenesi Rome, 2016-2018)
My Daily Inspirations:
- Alba Weinman, Transpersonal Hypnotherapy: Spiritual Journey of Forgiveness, YouTube
- Antonio Sangio, My Soul’s Purpose: Missions, Lessons and Past Lives Through Hypnotic Regression, Sangio Hypnosis Solutions LLC 2020
- Antonio Sangio, Introspective Hypnosis, YouTube
- Lorna Wilson, Healing Journeys through Quantum Realities. A Handbook, 2016 – and her other books
- Jack Elias, Finding True Magic. Transpersonal Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy/NLP, Five Wisdoms Press 2006 (1996)
- Michael Newton, Destiny of Souls. New Case Studies of Life between Lives, Llewellyn Publications 2016 (2000) – and his others books
- Rob Schwartz, Your Soul’s Plan. Discovering the real meaning of the life you planned before you were born, 2009 – and his other books
- Brian Weiss, Only Love is Real, 1996 – and his other books
*I like to thank Rosalinda Scigliano, Artemio de Nicola and Margaret Rijkelijkhuizen.