Grazie per la sessione di ieri!
Heel dankbaar, wat een helende reis
Wat een enorm bijzondere ervaring en krachtige heling! Wow. Judith is heel liefdevol en integer en alleen al haar healing voice is al magisch op zich. Ik heb een hoop kunnen en mogen opruimen binnen 1 sessie bij haar. En de inzichten blijven stromen. Ik wil haar bedanken voor haar warmte, betrokkenheid, respect en het creëren van een geborgen omgeving tijdens de sessie. Een groot dank van mijn kant 💗🙏.
I’m much much better after the session
Hi Judith, good morning or good afternoon! Was amazing last night, I cried out the pain of all that people. I had always this pressure on my chest and heart, since youngest, I think he died of heart attack or something that provoked that. My thoracic cage and my heart feels light today.
I want to thank you from my pure heart, thank you ❤️
I will speak to you later if you have time, have a wonderful day 🌈☀️
Judith, hi! I know you busy, but I just like to say I’m much much better after the session, I’m very grateful for your help, thank you again! ❤️
Healing sound frequency
And your sound frequency is so healing!! You have a beautiful gift, Judith!!
Magisch, bijzonder
Hoi Judith, het gaat goed. Ik wilde je vandaag al een bericht gaan sturen. Had wat tijd nodig om het allemaal te laten bezinken 😊. Ik vond het magisch de hypnose. Sommige dingen hebben meer vragen dan antwoorden opgeroepen, maar de kwartjes blijven vallen. Heel erg bedankt voor de bijzondere sessie. Ik verwacht later in het jaar het nog eens over te willen doen. Nogmaals dank 🌸❤️
My session with Ms. Judith was nothing short of healing. Starting off with a detailed and easy to understand explanation on what the entire process entails, she walked with me throughout the entire process. Her patience, understanding and well paced approach come second to her healing voice.
Thank you!
Hi Judith,
Thank you so much for the beautiful session, I really enjoyed it, the messages were so beautiful. Your voice is very relaxing, and you navigated the session brilliantly!!
Lots of light and love your way
Sono rinata
Sono rinata dopo i tuoi trattamenti , grazie cara Judith per la tua professionalità …..🌸🌸
Gradevole ,fantastica voce
Judith ,ha un carma rilassante
Sembra di vivere un momento
Fuori dal mondo.pieno di pace e luce🙏
Grazie di💚🧡🌼🦋
Ik had niet verwacht dat ik zoveel kon oplossen in één sessie.
Thank you!
I feel so much better since Judith did a session on me. It is incredible what comes out, and how much the session healed me. I still can’t belief it. All the years that I have been walking around with it. I wish I had known her before!
Thank you so so much, Judith!
Judy T.
Beautiful session
Judith is such a lovely person, her session was an incredible experience, harmonizing so many things. I want more!
Zo bijzonder
Ik voelde me meteen op mijn gemak bij haar. De sessie was iets wat ik nooit eerder heb meegemaakt, zo liefdevol, diep en respectvol. En zo enorm diep genezend. Zij is heel bijzonder. Ik voel me zoveel beter en lichter en harmonieuzer. Echt geweldig, dank je wel, Judith!
Dank je wel!
Zij is een begaafde ziel, en gebruikt haar gave met veel liefde om anderen te helpen en te genezen.
Con gratitudine
È un’esperienza incredibile, ti aiuta a capire molte cose e a superare alcune paure. Mi sento rinata.
Grazie Judith
È come entrare macchina del tempo. Sei tu che guidi, anche se non conosci la meta. Judith ti aiuta a stabilire questa connessione. Con serenità, con fiducia, si prende cura di te.
Ritrovi i sogni smarriti nel cammino. Ricordi antiche emozioni. Hai l’occasione di lasciare antiche frustrazioni. Grazie di cuore.